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Who We Are

What is Prevention?

Prevention 101

West Virginia has developed a prevention infrastructure to implement and support prevention efforts in the state. The Prevention Infrastructure in West Virginia includes:

  • Six regional Prevention Lead Organizations (PLOs)
  • County coalitions under the PLOs
  • Partnerships for Success (PFS) Coordinators
  • SOR Coalition Engagement Specialists
  • SOR Adult Suicide Intervention Specialists
  • Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Youth Suicide Intervention Specialists and Prevent Suicide WV

Prevention Lead Organizations are located in six regions throughout the state. These leads have extensive training and experience related to prevention, and coordinate efforts among county coalitions and other specialists. They provide services such as information dissemination, education, alternatives, problem ID and referral, community-based processes, and environmental strategies. They are trained in the Strategic Prevention Framework and have experience using data to guide prevention decisions—from identifying which substance use problems to address in a community, to choosing the most appropriate ways to address these problems, to determining whether selected interventions and strategies are making progress in meeting prevention needs.

West Virginia Prevention Solutions is the Region 4 Prevention Lead Organization in the prevention infrastructure. Our staff are trained in prevention best practices and most are certified Prevention Specialists.

WV Prevention First from Help and Hope West Virginia on Vimeo.

How Do We “Do Prevention”?

Prevention consists of many practices that create positive change in our communities. Similar to other chronic disorders, factors can affect whether we are more susceptible to the disease of addiction. Certain biological and environmental factors can increase our vulnerability. Prevention programs boost protective factors and eliminate or reduce risk factors. There is strong scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of prevention programs.

Evidence-based prevention interventions can:

  • prevent use or delay early use
  • stop the progression from first use to misuse to substance use disorder (including addiction)

Prevention is cost-effective. Evidence-based prevention interventions can decrease costs related to substance-related crime, lost work productivity, and related health care costs. These are categorized by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) as the Six CSAP (Centers for Substance Abuse Prevention) Strategies.

SAMHSA’s Six CSAP Strategies